Meditation Events

Cultivate mindfulness on your path to becoming Übermensch

Upcoming Meditation Events

Join us for transformative meditation experiences designed to enhance your journey towards becoming the Übermensch. Our events combine Nietzschean philosophy with mindfulness practices to help you cultivate self-awareness, overcome limitations, and tap into your inner power.

Zarathustra's Silence: A Nietzschean Meditation Retreat

July 15-17, 2023

Immerse yourself in a weekend of silent meditation, philosophical contemplation, and self-discovery. This retreat draws inspiration from Nietzsche's "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" to guide you through profound inner exploration.

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Will to Power Meditation Workshop

August 5, 2023

Harness your inner strength through guided meditations focused on cultivating your will to power. This intensive one-day workshop will teach you techniques to align your mind, body, and spirit with your highest aspirations.

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Eternal Recurrence: Cyclical Meditation Series

Every Tuesday, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Explore Nietzsche's concept of eternal recurrence through a weekly meditation series. Each session builds upon the last, helping you embrace life's cycles and find meaning in repetition.

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Beyond Good and Evil: Ethical Contemplation Retreat

September 22-24, 2023

Challenge your moral assumptions and forge your own ethical framework through guided meditations and philosophical discussions. This retreat aims to help you transcend conventional morality and embrace a more nuanced understanding of ethics.

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Why Attend Our Meditation Events?


"The Zarathustra's Silence retreat was a transformative experience. I emerged with a clearer vision of my potential and the courage to pursue it." - Alex M.
"The Will to Power workshop helped me tap into reserves of inner strength I didn't know I possessed. Highly recommended!" - Sarah K.

Prepare for Your Meditation Journey

Before attending our events, we recommend familiarizing yourself with basic meditation techniques and Nietzschean concepts. Explore our resources to get started:

Register for Upcoming Events

Ready to take the next step in your journey? Register for our upcoming meditation events and start your transformation today.

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