This glossary provides definitions and explanations for key philosophical terms relevant to the path of the Übermensch. Understanding these concepts is crucial for navigating the journey of self-overcoming and personal transformation.
Literally "Overman" or "Superman," this is Nietzsche's concept of a person who has transcended conventional morality and societal constraints to create their own values and live authentically.
Will to Power
A central concept in Nietzsche's philosophy, referring to the fundamental drive for self-realization, growth, and overcoming obstacles in all living beings.
Eternal Recurrence
The idea that one should live as if every moment of one's life were to recur eternally, embracing and affirming all aspects of existence.
Amor Fati
"Love of Fate" - the attitude of embracing and even loving all that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss.
The belief that life is meaningless and that traditional values and beliefs have no foundation. Nietzsche saw this as a challenge to overcome.
The philosophical view that all ideations take place from particular perspectives, and that there are many possible conceptual schemes in which judgments of truth can be made.
Master-Slave Morality
Nietzsche's distinction between two fundamental types of morality: that of the strong (master) who create their own values, and that of the weak (slave) who react to and resent the strong.
A sense of resentment and hostility directed toward that which one identifies as the cause of one's frustration, an assignment of blame for one's failures or lack of success.
Transvaluation of Values
The process of rejecting conventional morality and creating new values based on life-affirmation and the will to power.
The continuous process of surpassing one's current state, challenging oneself, and striving for growth and improvement.