Curated Reading List for Aspiring Übermenschen
Embark on your journey of self-overcoming with our carefully selected reading list. These works will challenge your thinking, expand your perspective, and guide you towards becoming the Übermensch.
Essential Nietzsche
- Thus Spoke Zarathustra by
- Beyond Good and Evil by
- On the Genealogy of Morals by
- The Gay Science by
- Ecce Homo by
Philosophical Foundations
- The Republic by
- Meditations by
- Being and Nothingness by
- The World as Will and Representation by
- The Myth of Sisyphus by
Contemporary Ethics and Self-Improvement
- The Antichrist by
- The Ego and Its Own by
- The Rebel by
- The Courage to Be by
- Man's Search for Meaning by
Psychology and Self-Development
- Memories, Dreams, Reflections by
- The Power of Myth by
- The Hero with a Thousand Faces by
- Thinking, Fast and Slow by
- Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by
Creativity and Self-Expression
- The Birth of Tragedy by
- Letters to a Young Poet by
- The Artist's Way by
- Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention by
- The War of Art by