Reflection Circles

Cultivating self-awareness on the path to Übermensch

What are Reflection Circles?

Reflection Circles are a powerful practice in our journey towards becoming the Übermensch. These are structured group sessions where participants engage in deep introspection, critical thinking, and open dialogue about their personal growth, challenges, and insights on the path of self-overcoming.

"He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying." - Friedrich Nietzsche

The Purpose of Reflection Circles

Reflection Circles serve multiple purposes in our community:

Structure of a Reflection Circle

A typical Reflection Circle follows this structure:

  1. Opening Meditation: To center participants and create a mindful atmosphere.
  2. Check-in: Each participant briefly shares their current state of mind and any recent insights.
  3. Topic Introduction: A facilitator introduces a philosophical concept or question for discussion.
  4. Reflective Writing: Participants spend time writing their thoughts on the topic.
  5. Sharing and Discussion: Open dialogue where participants share their reflections and engage in philosophical debate.
  6. Integration: Participants discuss how to apply insights to their daily lives.
  7. Closing: A final round where each person shares a key takeaway or commitment.

Topics Explored in Reflection Circles

Our Reflection Circles delve into a wide range of topics, including:

Benefits of Participating in Reflection Circles

Regular participation in Reflection Circles can lead to:

Join a Reflection Circle

We offer both in-person and virtual Reflection Circles to accommodate our global community. Whether you're a newcomer to Nietzschean philosophy or a seasoned thinker, you'll find value in these transformative sessions.

Sign Up for a Reflection Circle


"Participating in Reflection Circles has been a cornerstone of my journey towards self-overcoming. The insights I've gained and the connections I've made have been invaluable." - Alex S.
"These circles have challenged me to think deeper about my values and actions than I ever have before. It's truly a transformative experience." - Maria L.

Prepare for Your First Reflection Circle

To get the most out of your Reflection Circle experience, we recommend:

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