As part of your journey towards becoming an Übermensch, we encourage you to undertake personal projects that challenge your limits, express your unique values, and contribute to your self-overcoming. Use this form to submit your project for review, feedback, and potential feature on our platform.
Project Submission Form
Why Submit Your Project?
Receive feedback from our community of aspiring Übermenschen
Gain visibility for your ideas and creations
Inspire others on their path to self-overcoming
Contribute to the collective growth of our community
Potential feature in our monthly "Übermensch in Action" spotlight
Project Guidelines
While we encourage creativity and individual expression, please ensure your project aligns with the following guidelines:
Demonstrates a clear connection to Nietzschean philosophy or the concept of the Übermensch
Represents a genuine attempt at self-overcoming or personal growth
Respects the diversity of our community and does not promote harm to others
Can be shared in a way that potentially benefits or inspires other community members
Is your original work or clearly credits any collaborators or sources of inspiration
Ready to Share Your Journey?
Your project could be the spark that ignites transformation in others. By sharing your work, you contribute to the collective evolution of our community and take another step on your path to becoming an Übermensch.